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What is the girl's network 'Scat Club'?
OUTLINE of 'Scat Club'

What is the girl's network 'Scat Club'?

In comparison to previous advertising schemes, which often tends to be nothing more than one-way announcements from the company to the consumers, the promotional scheme proposed by Boom Planning combines 'Kuchi-Komi Marketing' with the 'Kuchi-Komi' power of high-school girls to create a multiple repercussion effect.

photoBut then, why high-school girls?

Various reasons have been given as to explain the lack of hit products. Examples of such are the existence of stereotypes and common sense within adults which interferes with obtaining accurate results when conducting research, and the lack of time for information to reach the consumers in time to catch up with the rapidly changing trend.

Under such circumstances, it can be said that high-school girls --- who continue to collect and spread the greatest amount of information than anyone else using their own original network --- are precisely the trend-setters of the new era. Because they are both children and adults at the same time, photothey are able to handle a wide range of plans and products and to conceive without restraint. In such an information-oriented society like ours, it is only natural that such a group with the ability to freely control the information is appreciated more than anything, and here lies the single reason why high-school girls continue to be the center of attention on the marketing front.

OUTLINE of 'Scat Club'

Established : April, 1986
Members : High school Girls (8,000 nation-wide)
*as SCAT CLUB alumnae : Network of female college students, employed women, and young housewives.
Characteristics : SCAT CLUB is a group that lets you know "what high school girls want nowadays" immediately. In addition, when these girls go to school everyday, they meet 40 to 50 classmates, more in after school activities, and more girls from other schools in cram school. By using such network(connection among friends), it is possible to collect vast amount of information very quickly. Moreover, high school girls are known for their effective and fast way of spreading information by "Kuchi-Komi" (word-of-mouth).

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